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Tech Help Hours

Do you have a new phone, tablet or other device? Or, one you would like learn more about it? Tech Help is now available on Wednesdays from 10:30am – 11:30am and 6pm – 7pm

Please register on our online calendar. Meet in the library Reading Room for personalized technology assistance. Bring your device, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc. and your questions! Continued »

Now available: Chromebooks for in-library use

You can now check-out one of our Chromebook to use anywhere within the library!

Chromebooks are available for check-out at the reference desk. Continued »

OverDrive/Libby Lending Period

The default lending period in OverDrive/Libby is 14 days. Patrons have the option to select 21 days or 7 days when borrowing!

MVLC Mobile App: Apple & Android available now

MVLC library users now have their choice of the MVLC Mobile App iOS version is available to download from the Apple App Store  or the MVLC Mobile App Android version and may be downloaded from the Google Play Store.  Users who have set up the previous mobile app on their devices will need to uninstall the old app and then go to the appropriate store to download the new app.

OverDrive Log-in update

OverDrive now asks MVLC library patrons to enter their Library Card PIN when logging into the Libby app or on the OverDrive website. If you are not sure of your PIN or need assistance, please contact the Circulation Desk for assistance.   Call 978-688-9505 or email:

Stevens 24×7: read & listen from wherever …

Enjoy the many digital resources available to you using your Stevens library card, an internet connection, and a tablet, phone, laptop, or PC.  Use OverDrive for books, Freegal for music, or click on E-library on to find more: magazines, newspapers,  encyclopedias, and language courses. Keep scrolling to find cooking and recipes, hobbies and crafts instructions, or instruction through self-paced video lessons from music and artistic professionals. How to find or use questions: email:

Employment Support: searching, resume prep, interview skills and more

Visit the Employment Support page to assist in job searches, resume prep, and career and business development. The page is accessible at home, all you need is your library card number and pin. Check out the page by clicking here. Continued »

Don’t have a library card? Sign-up now!

Don’t have a library card? Visit the Library during its open hours or send an email to . Include your full name, North Andover address, and a phone number.  A library staff member will respond when available to get you started using the Library’s many resources.

Reading Recommendations

Not sure what to read next? Fill out a Reader Request for personalized book recommendations, for all ages. Indicate your preferred format: print and audiobooks, e-books and e-audiobooks. You should receive a follow up within 2 days and provide you with at least 3 titles.

Library news: pick your method

Add Stevens to one of your regular news methods to receive the latest Library information.  Follow the Library on FaceBook, Twitter, or email news via the website (sign up on the main page.) Library events are also found on the channel Bulletinboard.  Recorded programs are available on our Youtube channel.  And, you’re always welcome to call the Library when it’s open: the Reference Desk, ext. 42016.   Look for “StevensMemLib” whatever source you use (there’s another Stevens Memorial in Ashburnham, MA).